Temperament Test for Daycare
All dogs must pass a temperament test before attending daycare. If six months have lapsed since your dog has attended daycare, your dog must be re-evaluated. Temperament tests are administered by our General Manager and Certified Dog Trainer, Colin Keith, using control dogs. Dogs exhibiting signs of aggression will not be allowed in daycare. The temperament test also helps us determine in what area is best for your dog to play. In addition, we learn about any issues we can work on with your dog while they are in daycare, such as separation anxiety. Temperament tests are scheduled by appointment and there is no charge.
Daycare Health Requirements
– Rabies
– DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus)
– Leptospirosis
Every six months
– Bordetella (kennel cough)
– Negative fecal exam
Three-year vaccines and titers are accepted. Puppies must have their second round of age-appropriate shots.
Year-round flea and tick control is required; heartworm preventative is strongly advised.
All dogs over the age of six months must be spayed or neutered.
Daycare Paperwork
We require that our Pet Profile and Service Agreement be completed for the temperament test.
Vet Records and Paperwork may be submitted via:
Email: Info@PeninsulaPupsDoggieDaycare.com
Mail or drop off: 801 W. 12th St., Erie, PA 16501
Daycare Insurance Restrictions
Unfortunately, due
to insurance reasons, we are
unable to accept Pit Bulls for daycare. This includes American Pit Bull
Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and
mixed breeds that have the appearance or characteristics of one of these
breeds. We do have a DNA test reimbursement program for dogs that have Pit
Bull features and want to come to daycare.
Pit Bulls are welcome
in training classes and for grooming, as are adult dogs that have not been
spayed or neutered.
For the safety of all dogs that use Peninsula Pups' services, no exceptions will be made to any of the requirements on this page.